ISSAT Conferences

Submission Guidelines

Submitted paper must be original and has not been published or submitted for publication elsewhere.


Any AI-generated text must be disclosed in the acknowledgements section. The parts of the paper containing AI-generated text should include a citation to the AI system used to generate the text.


Corresponding Author's contact information must be included in your submission email:

  • Salutation (Prof., Dr., Mr., Ms.)
  • Name (<LAST/FAMILY NAME> <First/Given name> format)
  • Affiliation (Name of Company or University)
  • Email address. This should be an email address where you wish to receive our correspondence.

The corresponding author will receive all emails related to the submission and is responsible for forwarding relevant information to the other coauthors.

  Full paper must be written in English and include:
  • Title
  • List of all authors in order they should appear including names and affiliations. Name format: <Given name> <Middle name or initials (optional)> <FAMILY NAME>. Email address is optional.
  • Keywords
  • Abstract
  • Introduction
  • Discussions/Results
  • Conclusion
  • References

Paper format:

  • paper size: 8.5" x 11"
  • two-column
  • single-line spacing
  • font-size: 10 pt.
  • font-type: Arial
  • Each submission is limited to 5 pages. Extra page charge will apply for a final paper exceeding 5 pages.


    Here is a Microsoft Word Template for your convenience.