Extended Abstract Submission Guidelines


Paper or Extended Abstracts can be submitted in MS Word or PDF format.
Submissions must be original and not previously published or submitted for publication elsewhere.

Required Corresponding Author's contact information:

  • Title (Prof., Dr., Mr., Ms.)
  • Name (<FAMILY NAME> <First name>)
  • Affiliation (Name of Company or University) and country
  • Email address

The corresponding author is the individual who will receive all email correspondence and is responsible for communicating it to the rest of the coauthors.

Submissions must be written in English and must include, at a minimum, the following:

  • Title of the paper/extended abstract
  • List of all authors in order they should appear including names (<FAMILY NAME>, <Middle name or initials> <First name>), affiliations and country. Email addresses are optional.
  • Keywords
  • Abstract
  • References


  • paper size: 8.5" x 11"
  • one-column
  • single-line spacing
  • font-size: 10 pt.
  • font-type: Arial