Product Return Merchandise Authorization Reduction in Early Phases of Mass Production  
Author Carmen Barquilla


Co-Author(s) Javier Macías


Abstract The reliability of consumer electronics products, over the years, has become a vital aspect of developing such products. With an adequate Reliability Program Plan and a development team trained to implement the tasks of the Design for Reliability (DfR) methodology, it is possible to control the reliability of the product right from the design and to the ensure that it continues to function for the duration of the expected life cycle. Mathematical and predictive statistical methods in reliability engineering can provide valuable contributions under the right circumstances, however, practical engineering must take precedence in determining the cause of the problems and finding solutions to them. This is especially true with undetectable failures during the development phases, which correspond to the production process by nature. Tackling infant mortality failures effectively is indispensable in elevated mass production projects with short time intervals, complex supply chains and lengthy material preparation times. This article presents a practical methodology that reduces the detection time (and the resolution time along with it) of potentially increasing failures in the early phases of mass production.


Keywords RCM, practical reliability engineering, consumer electronics, RMA, Data Analysis
    Article #:  RQD26-11

Proceedings of 26th ISSAT International Conference on Reliability & Quality in Design
Virtual Event

August 5-7, 2021