Moderation and Mediation Effect of Distance to Windows and Employees’ Mood between Indoor Environment and Task Performance  
Author Erni Rawati


Co-Author(s) Ying-Chyi Chou; Ching-Hua Lu


Abstract In recent years, researchers applied indoor environment quality (IEQ) factors impact to investigate employees’ mood, wellbeing, and satisfaction towards office environment and job. Employees who annoyed or unsatisfied with their work environment, it will cause them unwilling and unsatisfied with the work, which results in low work productivity or job performance (Lamb & Kwok, 2016). The purposes of this study are to analyze indoor physical environment perception of workers and distance to window relation with work productivity, and how the “distance to window” moderating effect on the indoor physical environment with work productivity. Whether physical environment can affect their perception and satisfaction towards office indoor environment, some research believed satisfied employees will have positive mood that lead to higher work productivity. Questionnaire was developed for assessing participants' perceptions of IEQ and task productivity. A structure equation modeling (SEM) was applied to test our research model. The analytical result showed that occupant stress level will lower due to contact with nature exposure. The work activity type will relate to interaction, visibility, and accessibility provide by the advantage of open-plan office, but lack of privacy control will lead to higher stress level, which result in poor work performance.


Keywords indoor quality, task performance, mediation effect, Nature element
    Article #:  24139
Proceedings ISSAT International Conference on Reliability and Quality in Design 2018
August 2-4, 2018 - Toronto, Ontario, Canada