An Integrating Approach, Based on Simulation, to Define Optimal Number of Pallet in an Assembly Line  
Author Elpidio Romano


Co-Author(s) Daniela Chiocca; Guido Guizzi


Abstract This paper presents a hybrid approach that use Simulation and Design of Experiment to analyze the production system and support decision making to define an optimal number of production resources. We developed a simulation model, implemented in System Dynamics Environment, that emulates a Petri Nets behavior and hat mimics the actual operation of the production system on which experiments were performed, through DOE, to determine possible evolutionary scenarios.


Keywords Petri Nets, Design of Experiment (DOE), System Dynamics Simulation, Production Planning and Control
    Article #:  20146
Proceedings of the 20th ISSAT International Conference on Reliability and Quality in Design
August 7-9, 2014 - Seattle, Washington, U.S.A.