A Proposed Bayesian Network Model for Analysing the Financial Performance of Containerships under Uncertainty  
Author N.S.F. Abdul Rahman


Co-Author(s) Z.L. Yang; S. Bonsall; J. Wang


Abstract The most important issues that occurred in recent years were the financial crisis and the increase in the price of crude oil. These issues had an immense impact on the supply and demand of international trade products and services, especially in the container shipping sector. A Bayesian Network-based financial analysis methodology associated with cause and effect analysis techniques is developed in order to assess uncertain parameters within the financial performance of shipping. This method demonstrates the combination of qualitative and quantitative criteria in order to ensure that the best possible decision can be made by shipping companies. As a consequence, the result produced using the method can be used as an indicator, helping shipping lines plan a cost-effective business strategy.


Keywords Bayesian Network Method; Shipping Financial Performance; Vessel Speed; Decision Making Process; Containerships; Uncertainty Treatment
    Article #:  18171
Proceedings of the 18th ISSAT International Conference on Reliability and Quality in Design
July 26-28, 2012 - Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A.