On Ball-wise Survival of a Modern Test Batter  
Author RM Silva


Co-Author(s) CL Jayasinghe; DY Jayasinghe; LHKP De Silva


Abstract This study attempts to evaluate stability and reliability of a Test batter’s batting strategy ball-wise which will be useful for both coaches and players. Among different formats of the game of cricket, Test cricket is considered to be of the highest standard since it examines a team's endurance and agility. The career performance of a batter in test cricket is commonly described in terms of a single statistic: batting average, which is simply the number of runs a batter has scored on average per inning faced. This single figure is unable to fully capture and reveal the richness of a batter’s career and is incapable of providing important information regarding stability and reliability of a batter's batting strategy. Utilization of various measures that are based on the runs obtained by the batter for the ith ball while surviving are investigated for measuring the survival ability of a batter. An investigation was conducted through ball-wise career performance data of batters with varying levels of exposure to Test cricket. The analysis included a ballwise within-player performance evaluation which revealed characteristics specific to each batter. The between-player analysis on the other hand enabled comparison of batting strategies adopted by batters with different levels of exposure to the game.


Keywords Test cricket, ball-wise survival, batter performance, hazard function, batting strategy
    Article #:  DSBFI23-123
Proceedings of 2nd ISSAT International Conference on Data Science in Business, Finance and Industry
January 8-10, 2023 - Da Nang, Vietnam