A Novel Multi-state Repairable System under G-mixed Redundancy Strategy  
Author Baoliang Liu


Co-Author(s) Yanqing Wen; Zhiqiang Zhang; Haiyan Shi; Shugui Kang


Abstract In this paper, the lifetimes of components, the repair time of failure components and the vacation time are distributed with different phase-type (PH) distributions. Since PH distributions constitute a versatile class of distributions that can approximate arbitrarily closely any probability distribution defined on the nonnegative real line, and different phases of PH distributions can represent different operational levels, the proposed system reliability model has better commonality. In addition, the multiple vacation policy of the repairman is also adopted so that the human resources can be fully utilized. The proposed multi-state repairable system model is studied in both transient and stationary regimes with matrix-analytic method. Some reliability indexes, such as availability, reliability, mean time between consecutive system failures, the rate of occurrence of system failures, the idle probability of the repairman, are obtained by employing Kronecker operator theory and aggregated stochastic theory. Finally, a numerical example and a comparison analysis between G-mixed redundancy strategy model and previous redundancy strategy models are implemented to illustrate the results obtained in the paper. Sensitivity analysis is also studied to the developed reliability models. The numerical results show that an increase in switching system reliability leads to an increase in system reliability. The comparison results show that the proposed G-mixed redundancy strategy is superior to previous redundancy strategies in engineering system design.


Keywords PH distribution; K-mixed redundancy strategy; Reliability; Multiple vacation
    Article #:  RQD27-41

Proceedings of 27th ISSAT International Conference on Reliability & Quality in Design
Virtual Event

August 4-6, 2022