Improvement Ideas of GA-Based Algorithm for Obtaining Quasi-Pareto Solution of Bi-Objective Networks  
Author Natsumi Takahashi


Co-Author(s) Tomoaki Akiba; Hisashi Yamamoto


Abstract Internet, power network, traffic network, etc. are network systems required high reliability, and independently, costs may occur for the construction or maintenance of links in the networks. In this study, we consider a bi-objective network with objectives of maximizing all-terminal reliabilities and minimizing costs. In general, these objectives are in trade-off relation, and cannot be optimized simultaneously. Therefore, solving the problem is to find the set of all Pareto solutions. On the other hand, the problem of evaluating all-terminal reliability of a given network is computationally intractable, which suggests that our bi-objective problem is computationally intractable as well. Hence, it is reasonable to switch our goal to find a set of quasi-Pareto solutions, i.e., a set of pairwise non-dominated “good” solutions in terms of our objectives. Our goal is achieved by developing a GA based algorithm which generates a set of quasi-Pareto solutions. In this paper, we improve previous GA-based algorithm such that obtained optimal solutions are closer to Pareto solutions. Proposed algorithm re-considers selection and crossover operations based on the distribution of Pareto solutions in the solution space. And then, the accuracy of our proposed algorithm is evaluated based on comparison of quasi=Pareto solutions to other algorithms.


Keywords Network Design Problem, Bi-Objective Network, All-Terminal Reliability, Quasi-Pareto Solutions, Genetic Algorithm
    Article #:  RQD25-122
Proceedings of 25th ISSAT International Conference on Reliability & Quality in Design
August 1-3, 2019 - Las Vegas, NV, U.S.A.