A Synchronous Software Rejuvenation Technique for Time Warp Event Simulation  
Author Mamoru Ohara


Co-Author(s) Satoshi Fukumoto


Abstract In recent literatures, tolerating not only hardware failures but also bugs in scienti c calculation software emerges as a formidable challenge. To detect and recover the software failures, replication has been traditionally used as a key technique, however, replication is too expensive to be applied on all calculations. Therefore, recently bene ts of software rejuvenation in high-performance computing (HPC) areas have been remarked. In this paper, we report our fundamental study for introducing software rejuvenation into parallel discrete event simulation (PDES) software. We in this paper quantitatively examine the negative effects of the differences of simulation progress introduced by software rejuvenation. We also present a simple synchronous rejuvena- tion technique and the analytical model to evaluate the reliability of the system which employs our rejuvenation scheme. Furthermore, numerical examples of a couple of parameters of the analytical model are obtained from an experimental implementation of PDES based on time warp technique.


Keywords Software rejuvenation, Parallel distributed simulation, Parallel discrete event simulation (PDES), Time warp technique, Reliability analysis, Experimental implementation
    Article #:  23-224
Proceedings of the 23rd ISSAT International Conference on Reliability and Quality in Design
August 3-5, 2017 - Chicago, Illinois, U.S.A.