A Survey of Continuous Failure Rates and Their Applications to Replacement Policies  
Author Toshio Nakagawa


Co-Author(s) Xufeng Zhao


Abstract Maintenance models have been studied extensively in literatures, however, it would be interest to investigate the reliability properties of failure rates in these models. This paper surveys the failure rates appeared in recent age, random and periodic maintenance models and their properties in inequality forms are obtained. Furthermore, examples are given to show how they can be used in models with the recent approaches of replacement first, replacement last, and replacement overtime. The survey in this paper is conducted when the optimum maintenance policies are discussed analytically so that it is helpful to analyze the theoretical maintenance models in a different viewpoint.


Keywords Failure rate, age replacement, periodic replacement, random replacement, replacement overtime.
    Article #:  23-093
Proceedings of the 23rd ISSAT International Conference on Reliability and Quality in Design
August 3-5, 2017 - Chicago, Illinois, U.S.A.