Optimal Management Policy for a System in Cloud Computing Environment  
Author Mitsuhiro Imaizumi


Co-Author(s) Mitsutaka Kimura


Abstract Recently, cloud computing which is a kind of Internet-based computing has been widely spread. In terms of operating cloud system in remote locations, there exist some problems when the failure of cloud system occurs. In such cases, workers need to go to the remote locations and maintain the system. This paper considers three stochastic models of a cloud system in remote locations. The cloud system has active devices and standby devices. We derive the steady-state availability and discuss a policy which maximizes it. Finally, a numerical example is given.


Keywords Cloud computing, Availability, Markov renewal process, Optimal policy
    Article #:  22218
Proceedings of the 22nd ISSAT International Conference on Reliability and Quality in Design
August 4-6, 2016 - Los Angeles, California, U.S.A.