Study on Evaluation Method of Health Grading Based on Grey Clustering Analysis  
Author Jiajing Wang


Co-Author(s) Junyou Shi


Abstract In this paper, the system and technical framework of health grading evaluation is studied. By analyzing the whitenization weight function of grey clustering method and its construction method, combining with the characteristics of the three-state health grading of system, the evaluation methods for health grading based on grey clustering analysis are proposed. The method determines the grey clustering coefficient by simulation, and puts forward the concept and calculation formula of distinction and confidence degree. So a reference for the determination of grading methods for healthy conclusion is provided. Finally, the above methods are applied in a circuit case. The result of the application shows the validity and feasibility of evaluation method for health grading.


Keywords Grey clustering analysis, three states of health, health grading evaluation, simulation analysis
    Article #:  22143
Proceedings of the 22nd ISSAT International Conference on Reliability and Quality in Design
August 4-6, 2016 - Los Angeles, California, U.S.A.