Improving Tooling Production Efficiency by a Two-Step Assembling Capacity Allocation Strategy  
Author Ya-Ning Yang


Co-Author(s) Chieh Lee


Abstract We study a capacity-allocation problem in a tooling manufacturer. The manufacturer cites the need to increase their productivity without adding extra labor force. After, we examine the production process, and we find out that the core issue is the inefficient assembling job scheduling. The assembling department has four parallel but heterogeneous teams. To address this issue, we propose a new capacity scheduling system that includes two consecutive steps. First, we use the modified critical-ratio to sort jobs. In the second step, we employ the dynamic Hungarian method to determine the job assignment. In the numerical study, we compare our method with different scheduling method in the first step, such as shortest process time, earliest due date, and first-come-first-serve method. In additionally, we compare the old and new scheduling methods. With last year's data, our new method successfully turns the manufacturer's loss into profit.


Keywords Scheduling, tooling manufacture, capacity utilization, Hungarian method, dynamic assignment
    Article #:  22279
Proceedings of the 22nd ISSAT International Conference on Reliability and Quality in Design
August 4-6, 2016 - Los Angeles, California, U.S.A.