A Cycle Counting Method for Multiaxial Random Loading  
Author Lei Wang


Co-Author(s) Tianzhong Sui; Liyang Xie


Abstract A cycle counting method and a life prediction approach are presented for multiaxial random loading. According the concept of the weight-average maximum shear strain directions presented in former literature, the fracture plane under multiaxial random loading is determined. Then multiaxial loading reducing and multiaxial cycle counting methods are applied to deal with and count the calculated shear and normal strain histories on the fracture plane. The proposed algorithm can make the points on the shear and normal strain histories accepted or rejected at the same time and get the shear and normal strain amplitudes at one time. The cycle counting method can be applied to any multiaxial fatigue life prediction model including both the shear and the normal strain parameters. The results of life prediction with the proposed multiaxial counting methods tend to be safe.


Keywords Multiaxial fatigue, random loading, life prediction, fracture plane, cycle counting
    Article #:  2079
Proceedings of the 20th ISSAT International Conference on Reliability and Quality in Design
August 7-9, 2014 - Seattle, Washington, U.S.A.