Stochastic Maintenance Model of Commercial Airframe with Damage Level and Crack Number  
Author Kodo Ito


Co-Author(s) Toshio Nakagawa


Abstract The maintenance of airframe is indispensable to operate without any serious troubles because an airframe has limited lifetime and it has to be lightweight when it is designed. Airframes suffer various kinds of environmental stresses after operation and these stresses cause the damage such as cracks on airframes. Cracks grow with operation time and cause catastrophic phenomenon such as the mid-air disintegration when they become greater than a critical size. So, the managerial crack size is prespecified and PM undergoes when the inspected crack size exceeds it. In this paper, an airframe is inspected at time NT and fails when the total damage exceeds a certain level K or a total number of cracks exceeds a certain crack number M, whichever occurs first. We define a total expected cost rate and optimal inspection time N which minimizes the cost rate is discussed.


Keywords Aircraft, airframe, maintenance, optimal policy, reliability
    Article #:  21247
Proceedings of the 21st ISSAT International Conference on Reliability and Quality in Design
August 6-8, 2015 - Philadelphia, Pennsylvia, U.S.A.